14 March till 29 June 2018
Arnold Schönberg Center, Schwarzenbergplatz 6, Zaunergasse 1-3 (Eingang), A-1030 Wien  

Fin-de-siècle Vienna was akin to an experimental laboratory for new constructions of identity: it stimulated the rapid growth of modernism in music as well as in painting, architecture, psychoanalysis, physics, physiology, and economic theory. The avant-garde movement known as Jung-Wien can be considered the collective nucleus of Viennese modernism, as the areas of the nerves, psyche, self, and dream were defined as their keywords.
Jung-Wien is an invention of the feuilleton, and was neither established officially nor shaped by a common program. When Hermann Bahr spoke of a “school of young, mostly Viennese literati”, this designation aimed more at a geographical anchoring rather than an ideological category. In the collective biography of Viennese modernism, Arnold Schönberg was “the most captivating, most difficult, most unsettling” person in an “environment that was, so to speak, supersaturated with electricity” (Richard Specht).
The exhibition of musical, literary, and artistic works in a setting of historical and biographical documents and furnishings traces the aura of one of the most important periods in Viennese cultural history from the perspective of Jung-Wiener musical composition. Starting from a Jung-Wiener gathering in the legendary Café Griensteidl, a cultural panorama will be sketched that crosses artistic boundaries and spans from the 1890s to the death of Gustav Mahler in May of 1911. Arnold Schönberg proved himself to be an actor in multiple fields: music, painting, literature, design, and engineering.

Curator: Therese Muxeneder

Architecture: Jochen Koppensteiner

Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday and on Sundays as follows: March 18, April 22, May 27, June 24
10 am to 5 pm
closed on legal holidays

The exhibition opens one hour before the event begins; admission is free for concertgoers.

Entrance fee:
Adults € 6; Discount: school children, apprentices, students, reserves, civil servants, senior citizens, visitors with special needs, groups, Vienna City Card, Club Ö1, mdw club, CLUB WIEN-Card.
Free admission on the above mentioned Sundays, children under 12, Kulturpass holders

Press kit (pdf)

Presse photos:

© Hertha Hurnaus
© Hertha Hurnaus

© Hertha Hurnaus

© Hertha Hurnau

© Hertha Hurnaus

Arnold Schönberg: Die Beiden 
Text: Hugo von Hofmannsthal

  Koloman Moser (1868–1918) 
Jung Wiener Theater 
»Zum lieben Augustin« 
Plakatsammlung der Höheren Graphischen Bundes-Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt
Wien, 1901

Arnold Schönberg 
Payerbach, 1901

  Arnold Schönberg
Spielkarte für Whist/Bridge
Aquarell und Gouache auf Karton
ca. 1909/10 | CR 218
Belmont Music Publishers, Pacific Palisades

  Arnold Schönberg
Mathilde Schönberg
Öl auf Leinwand
1910 | CR 95
Sammlung der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien

Arnold Schönberg

Erinnerung an Oskar Kokoschka
Öl auf Pappe
April 1910 | CR 67
Belmont Music Publishers, Pacific Palisades

Arnold Schönberg
Grünes Selbstportrait
Öl auf Pappe
1910 | CR 015
Belmont Music Publishers, Pacific Palisades

Arnold Schönberg
Gehendes Selbstportrait, 1911
Öl auf Pappe | CR 18
Belmont Music Publishers, Pacific Palisades

Max Oppenheimer
Portrait von Adolf Loos
Öl auf Leinwand
Wien Museum

Gustav Klimt
Studienkopf (frühe Kreidezeichnung)
Lichtdrucke aus dem Besitz von Arnold Schönberg 
Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg

 Koloman Moser

Hermann Bahr
Kreide auf Papier
Wien Museum

Arnold Schönberg an Karl Kraus 
Brief vom 1. April 1917
Alexander Zemlinsky
Arnold Schönberg

Atelier Schlosser & Wenisch
Prag, 1917